
No complicated treatments!
The secret to beauty
with simple procedure

Btoxin Injections

Types of Btoxin

Korean Btoxin
Btoxin is recognized as customized Korean Btoxin with great effects and reasonable price. It is suitable for Koreans and Asians.
Safe to reduce
resistance Btoxin
Btoxin is a FDA-approved that is a Pure Botulinu Type A Btoxin without complex protein. It helps people who regularly get Btoxin to reduce resistance.
Originally developed
Allergan is the firstl Btoxin that approved by FDA, USA. It has been proved effective and safe and is being used all over the world.

Before & After


Before and after photo(s)on the website represent outcomes of individual patients.
As each patient is different, the results may vary by individual.
Content is for informational purposes only and is not to be considered medical advice.

Check points for having safe

Btoxin injection!

Why use Ultrasound for Btoxin?
  • 1
    Help to identify which targeted muscle or groups of muscles
  • 2
    Control the amount of btoxin injection depends on sizes of muscles
  • 3
    Determine if the targeted area is muscle or subcutaneous fat
◀ Subcutaneous
Approved by FDA
Check genuine products of btoxin with the most recent labeling
People look for cheaper btoxin injection without any burden. If you get btoxin with lower price, you might have many areas of btoxin injection but, it might have side effects such as sinking on the targeted area or take more longer downtime such as bruising and swelling after treatment. Therefore, it's important to check whether btoxin are genuine products or regular products rather than pricing.
Dermatology specialists
Check the clinic that has dermatology specialists who know best about skin
Even if Btoxin is not harmful to our body, it has few few side effects. It's a procedure that injects drugs into the muscle layer, so people visit the clinic that has specialists in dermatology that knows best about your skin and the best techniques for injecting btoxin safely. It's important to get Btoxin treatments from a dermatology specialist.

Square Jaw Btoxin

The masseter muscles are responsible for chewing and become bulky because of teeth grinding, excessive chewing and genetics. Btoxin helps slim down the square jaw and relieve pain of teeth grinding. It also helps slimmer facial line with non-surgical.

Before and after photo(s)on the website represent outcomes of individual patients. As each patient is different, the results may vary by individual.
Content is for informational purposes only and is not to be considered medical advice.

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Calf Btoxin

The calves appears shorter and masculine. It makes wearing certain clothing like pants to women. Btoxin helps naturally large claves who desire more defined curve to their lower legs without surgery.

Before and after photo(s)on the website represent outcomes of individual patients. As each patient is different, the results may vary by individual.
Content is for informational purposes only and is not to be considered medical advice.

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Shoulder Btoxin

The muscle is trapezis(traps) that supports the shoulders, arms, running vertical from back of the neck down the spine as well as extending horizontally across the shoulders. Btoxin helps making smooth shoulder line and creates an effects of a feminine shoulder line with longer neck.

Before and after photo(s)on the website represent outcomes of individual patients. As each patient is different, the results may vary by individual.
Content is for informational purposes only and is not to be considered medical advice.

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Gummy Smile Btoxin

Gummy smile is an excessive gingival display like smile showing an excessive amount of gum under the upper lips. Botxin helps relax the lip for a more balanced grin. Some people say that over 3mm of gum exposure may look unnatural, or even aesthetically displeasing.

Before and after photo(s)on the website represent outcomes of individual patients. As each patient is different, the results may vary by individual.
Content is for informational purposes only and is not to be considered medical advice.

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